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Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Mechanical Engineering Interview Question: Engineering Drawing Interview Question

1.Define engineering drawing. 
Engineering drawing is a graphical language of an engineer to convey one’s ideas most effectively, easily, conveniently and with high speed.
So Engineering drawing is a starting point of all engineering branches such as Mechanical, Production, Civil, Electrical, Electronics, Computer science, Chemical etc. 
It is spoken, read, and written in its own way. Engineering drawing has its own grammar in terms of projections, conventional representations, types of lines, abbreviations, symbols and various geometric constructions.
2. Name different drawing instruments.
Drawing board, drawing sheet, mini-drafter, scale, pencil and sand paper block, cello-tape, eraser and compass.
3. What are the standard sizes of drawing sheets according to I.S.I. and which is suitable for drawing work?
The standard size of sheets according to I.S.I. are
A0 (1189 X 841),
A1 (841 X 594), 
A2 (594 X 420), 
A3 (420 X 297), 
A4 (297 X 210) and 
A5 (210 X 148).

4.List out the contents of title block.
The title block should contain the following information.
(i) Name of the institution
(ii) Title of drawing
(iii) Name, Branch, section and Roll no. of the student
(iv) Type of scale used
(v) Drawing number
(vi) Type of symbol for the method of projection

5. What is lettering?
The art of writing the alphabets A, B, C,…….Z and numbers such as0,1, 2, 3…… etc. is known as lettering.

6.What are the main requirements of lettering?
1) The knowledge of shape and proportion of each letter.
2) The knowledge of the order and direction of the strokes used in making letters.
3) The knowledge of the general composition of letters.

7. What is dimensioning?
The art of writing the various sizes on the finished drawing of an object is known as dimensioning.

8. What is the importance of dimensioning?
1) Dimensioning conveys all the sizes and other necessary information to completely draw the object.
2) It also contains information with regard to manufacturing processes and inspection requirements.
3) The dimensioning also includes tolerances necessary for the correct functioning of the parts in the assembly.

9. What is a scale?
A scale is defined as the proportion by which we keep same or reduce or increase the actual size of the object on a drawing.
Scale = Size taken on the drawing : Actual size

10. What are various types of scales used in drawing?
There are three types of scales used in drawings.
1) Full size scale:-The scale in which the actual measurements of the object are drawn to same size on the drawing is known as full size scale. For example 1:1
2) Reducing scale: – The scale in which the actual measurements of the object are reduced to some proportion is known as reducing scale. For example 1:4

3) Enlarging scale: – The scale in which the actual measurements of the object are increased to some proportion is known as enlarging scale. For example 2:1
11. What are different types of orthographic projections?
There are four types of orthographic projections.
(i) First angle projection
(ii) Second angle projection
(iii) Third angle projection
(iv) Fourth angle projection

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